
Sunday, July 15, 2012

Beach Bum/defining submission and other existential thoughts

I'm happy to escape the humidity that the weather brought us this last week. The idea of having to drink the atmosphere is foreign to those of us who are native to the area. The wet air clung on until it could release itself in the form of a rare summer rain. A week away from the city is most welcomed and the beach brings a quiet peace to my usual manic mind.

Last night I was left alone with my thoughts as I sat in the hot tub listening to the waves crashing onto the shore. It always strikes me how beautiful the night sky is when I'm away from the lights of the city. With a glass of wine in my hand I stared for what must have been an hour at the stars that painted the canvas above me. I find such delight in humbling myself... just thinking those stars will continue to shine on after I'm long gone, as they have for centuries. How many lives have seen that same star?...generations upon generation, and yet I sat last night with a true appreciation for its existence for a fraction of a moment of its life.

This all, of course, led me to thoughts of how humbled I am every time I kneel for my Sir. I was recently asked by a reader (wink) to define my submission and had a difficult time doing so. While varying degrees of each paint my life like shadows and highlights, my regular life is not led with an overwhelming desire to either dominate or to submit. Our particular dynamic doesn't bleed into our time together outside of play- though I once noticed my bottom twitching when he ordered for me at a restaurant.

A part of my submission I find myself wanting to change is how insecure I'm constantly feeling. I'm not sure what about the relationship commands that...I suspect much of it comes with just how much it has given me - not just physical pleasure, but it has validated a large part of who I am that has been missing for so many years - and how quickly it could all be taken away. This insecurity makes me feel so needy and in a sense, weak...a feeling so different from the strength I get after our sessions. On those days I stomp around town with the unmistakable stench of confidence as it pulses through my body after being caned, and yet, that power diminishes the more time that passes from when I hear back from him. Perhaps my submissive side is some sort of masturbatory nod to this existential unworthiness that I find so comforting.

So how do you define your submission? I'm guessing the domestic-discipline crowd will have a different take on it from those that are strictly bound-and-gagged, but maybe I'll be surprised...


  1. I've always been naturally submissive in terms of deferring to the dom in the crowd for decisions, but submissive in the bedroom take more vulnerability. It's still scary for me, and yet not nearly enough.

    1. ReneeRose-

      Interesting... I think I'm more take-charge outside of the bedroom, not around Him, per se, but in general... but I'm definitely with you when you refer to the vulnerability of being a sub in the bedroom.


  2. Oh this is not fair! This is so beautifully written and I miss the beach so much (grew up on the beach) and then you ask a real question? Can't we just stay in the hot tub with the wine and the stars?

    I did not define my submission for a long time. I didn't define anything except that I had to keep my feelings secret always. All I can say is that realizing that I am submissive has brought an incredible sense of relief and clarity to my life. I have had to be very strong in my life and take control when that's the last thing I wanted to do. Realizing my submissive nature (ok really late in the game), realizing that accepting that gives me more strength, has let me be proud of what I've done. Because it's really me doing it. It's submissive me that can do this. The whole me is okay.

    Is that defining my submission? Can't we please get back in the hot tub and discuss this?

    1. Thank you, as always, Emen.

      To quote my Sir, the "paradoxical truth of submission is that it empowers the submissive."

      Take that to the hot tub!


  3. Very well written and I totally get where you are coming from when it comes to the art of nature. Thanks for sharing your thoughts.

    And to prove I can be harsh. A drawing of your bottom in the sand does not improve the foam on the waves.


    1. You're welcome, Zee...I'm glad we could connect on that point.

      And why the attempt to prove yourself harsh? Though I wonder if my bottom doesn't improve the foam, would foam improve my bottom? Hrm...


    2. Just joking about the harsh. I've never been good at it. Just thought I throw a curve since I have been telling you how your bottom improves everything.


    3. LOL...and here I thought I had done something to receive a verbal caning ;)

    4. No verbal caning for you.
